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Become an Arabic Teacher

Be Distinct. Be Special.

ًكن مميزاً كن متميزاً
كن معلماً للغة العربية

About Us

تسعى مؤسسة جازي إلى تطوير البحث العلمي ومناهج تدريب مدرسي اللغة العربية ومناهج تدريس اللغة العربية حتى تصبح اللغة العربية من  اللغات الحديثة السهلة الميسرة والمتطورة في مجال تعليمها وتعلمها

Jazi organisation aims to develop and extend the academic research in the field of Arabic language teaching material and Arabic language teacher training and development to make Arabic language learning easy for the learners to master and reach high competency levels.

Our Story

In the Arabic language the word Jazi means rewarding.

It is a choice of name that reflects our conviction that the teaching

and learning of the Arabic language is both life-affirming and life-enhancing. Based in the heart of London, one of the most multicultural cities of the world.

Jazi is a new and unique institution, one that has been built on

extensive pedagogic and training experience gained in the Middle East.

We have a welcoming, dedicated and professional team of experts, all of whom are specialists in the teaching of Arabic and the training of Arabic teachers. We would be delighted to share our knowledge with you through our courses.

:نبذة عن المؤسسة

جازي كلمة عربية أصيلة تعني المكافأة والجزاء. يرجع اختيار اسم جازي إلى إيماننا العميق بأن تعلم اللغة العربية وتعليمها حياة.

تتخذ مؤسسة جازي من لندن مقرا لها وتجمع جازي بتفرد بين حداثة المظهر وأصالة الشرق الأوسط في قلب العاصمة البريطانية.

تضم جازي مجموعة كبيرة ومتكاملة من المدربين والمدرسين المهنيين الحاصلين على أعلى المؤهلات الجامعية وأفضل الخبرات الدولية في مجال تدريس اللغة العربية وتدريب مدرسيها.

.يسعد مؤسسة جازي أن تشارككم هذا كله من خلال دوراتها المتنوعة والمميزة

Meet the Team

Every member of our team is a thought leader who has made significant contributions to our company. 

Each one brings a unique set of skills and expertise to our organisation. 


Hebatalla Elhelbawi

Head of Arabic Teacher Education

Heba has been teaching Arabic language for twenty years. She has an MA in Teaching Arabic language and a post-graduate diploma in Teaching Arabic as a second language from SOAS University. Her first degree was in Arabic language and Islamic studies. She became a teacher trainer 8years ago, working with school teachers at international schools in Qatar and other countries and is now researching the field of technology in regard to the Arabic language pedagogy and working in curriculum developments with the middle east Arabic project institution.

"Jazi is a place where I am happy to share my knowledge and experience, but it’s also a place where I learn as every experience is a teacher Jazi really puts into practice all approaches to successful Arabic language pedagogy through its experience and knowledge. This makes it different from all other Arabic centres."

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